
Position of the TUM Graduate Council on the topic of “Diversity and Internationalization”

The TUM Graduate Council serves as a representative body for all doctoral students at TUM. Statements on various topics, including diversity and internationalization, can be found here.

Views of the bukof for a gender-fair university policy

The bukof (Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen e.V. - Federal Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Representatives at Universities) position paper – 18 Views for a Gender-Fair University Policy – includes all types of universities and status groups from universities of applied sciences to universities and colleges of art: students, professors, academic and artistic staff as well as personnel in technology, service, and administration.

The views were developed in an intensive process over a period of two years and were unanimously adopted at the bukof general meeting, thus representing the common understanding and the unanimous demands of the gender equality stakeholders in bukof.

The brochure can be found here.

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