Single Parents

Single and separated parents comprise an essential part of families in Germany. They face particular challenges and need proper support.



Support and the “Düsseldorfer Tabelle” (Düsseldorf Index):

This link provides you with the current guidelines for child support: Düsseldorfer Tabelle as well as further information.


The following are some links to valuable information:

BMFSFJ: Allein- und getrennt Erziehende fördern und unterstützen (Promoting and supporting single and separated parents)

BMFSFJ Family Portal: Getrennt erziehend & Alleinerziehend (Separate parenting & single parenting)

Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter VAMV: Allein erziehend- nicht ohne! (Single parenting - but not to be underestimated!)

Archbishopric of Munich: Unterstützung für Alleinerziehende (Support for single parents)

Archdiocese of Munich and Freising: Alleinerziehende Programm (Single Parent Programme)

“Kultmama“ blog: Tipps für Alleinerziehende in München (Tips for single parents in Munich)


In addition, you can borrow recommended literature (in German) from our KeCK library:

"Stark und Alleinerziehend" by Dr  Alexandra Wildmer

"Mit Kindern wachsen" by Myla & Jon Kabat-Zinn

"Geschwister als Team" by Nicola Schmidt

"Glückliche Scheidungskinder - Was Kinder nach der Trennung brauchen" by Remo H. Largo and Monika Czernin

"Mama, nicht schreien" by Jeannine Mik and Sandra Teml-Jetter

…and additional books on the subject of raising children.

The books can be borrowed for up to 4 weeks. Please send your request to


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