Pregnancy and Maternity Protection

Support for pregnant women and studying with a child

Pregnancy, giving birth and raising a child can decisively impact the plans of studying young parents. It is an experience with many challenges to overcome. For this reason, the Student Union offers a range of services to make studying with a child or children easier for you. There are regularly organised open discussions and information events, for instance, on BAföG regulations, new childcare services or financial support. Apart from that, there is also plenty of time to meet other parents and ask questions.

There is consultation for pregnant women and students with children available as well. There you can find a contact person for any questions or problems you may have resulting from this significant new situation in life. You can also obtain help to find a suitable flat to live in or to assist you in dealing with bureaucratic aspects. The Advice Centre offers advice regarding the various childcare options, possibilities of financing your studies and information about all kinds of subsidies and scholarships. Further information material and contact details for consultation can be found here.

Statutory maternity protection

The statutory maternity protection is designed to protect the (expectant) mother and her child from hazards, excessive exertion and damage to health at the workplace, from financial losses as well as from the loss of employment during pregnancy and for a certain period after the birth. Maternity protection usually begins six weeks before the expected date of birth and ends eight weeks after the birth.

You can find more detailed information on maternity protection here or in the brochure “Guide to Maternity Protection” published by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.



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