Returning to Work

“Perspektive Wiedereinstieg” (Perspectives for Return to Work)

The action programme Perspektive Wiedereinstieg (Perspectives for Return to Work) is designed to support women - as well as men - in returning to work after several years of family-related career interruption and to raise awareness among companies and enterprises of the potential of women and men returning to work.




Munich project power_m

The Munich project power_m is designed for women and men who wish to return to work after a 12-month family phase or 6 months of caring for a relative. They receive free counselling, further training and coaching over a period of six months.



FAM Frauenakademie München / The Women’s Academy Munich

Additional information can be found at the website of The Women’s Academy Munich.




The Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung (Kaiserin-Friedrich Foundation) organises a “Wiedereinstiegskurs für Ärztinnen und Ärzte nach berufsfreiem Intervall“ ("Re-entry course for doctors after a period of inactivity") every year. The course, which is independent of the pharmaceutical industry, runs for a fortnight and includes 70 hours of instruction. The content covers the most important areas of basic medical care.



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